Air Europa News

Presenting the latest news from Air Europa and our direct line for journalists only, with more information on the latest developments at the company

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In accordance with the provisions of Articles 8 and 9 of Act 1340 of 2009, by means of notification number 2023190010032008, The companies International Airlines Group (IAG “) and Globalia Corporación Empresarial S.A. (Globalia) informed the Directorate of Air Transport and Air Traffic Matters of the Special Administrative Unit of the Civil Aviation of Colombia (” Aerocosol “ ) an integration operation, through which IAG acquires control of the remaining 80% of the share capital of Air Europa Holding and its subsidiaries, which include: (i) Air Europa Líneas Aéreas S.A.U. and its subsidiary Air Europa Suma Miles, S.L.U.; (ii) Aeronova S.L.U.; and (iii) León Activos Aeronáuticos S.L.U. (the “Transaction”).

This transaction involves the airlines IBERIA and AIR EUROPA (the “Parties”), which provide passenger and cargo air transport services from or to Colombia.

In accordance with Resolution 02546 of 30 November 2023 (the “Resolution”), Aerocivil has authorised this transaction subject to the conditions set out in paragraph 5.1 of the Resolution occur.

The conditions are as follows:

  • The Parties, through IBERIA, undertake to maintain, under the current terms and without prejudice to any updates that may be mutually agreed, the Interline Agreement (Special Prorate Agreements) and Code Sharing Agreement with Avianca, LATAM and COPA for traffic between Colombia and Europe, all subject to the condition of reciprocity, for a period of 10 years from the Closing of the Transaction.

  • Once the transaction is closed, the Parties shall be required to maintain, as a whole and in total, at least 4 weekly non-stop frequencies between Medellín and Madrid, and 119,808 non-stop round-trip seats per year, for a maximum of 3 years. This condition will be deferred and/or suspended if the conditions provided for in point 5.1 of the Resolution occur.

In addition, IAG will hire an auditor to ensure compliance with these conditions.

Finally, for clarification purposes, on the date of publication of this communication, the Transaction has not yet materialised, meaning the conditions described will only be enforceable once the Transaction is closed, which will be reported by IBERIA and AIR EUROPA through their websites.

Air Europa collaborates with the Othman Ktiri Foundation to send aid to the victims of the Morocco earthquake

  • The airline has sent food and personal hygiene products to Marrakesh to be distributed amongst the most affected.
  • The Foundation, which has been working in Morocco for a year and develops projects in rural areas alongside local actors to improve access to water, will handle the distribution

Madrid, 26 September 2023. Air Europa has joined the international initiatives that have rallied around the victims and those affected by the earthquake of 8 September in Morocco. The airline, joining the efforts to send urgent assistance to the affected areas, has supported the Othman Ktiri Foundation by sending food and essential supplies on a scheduled flight that arrived in Marrakesh late last week.

This endeavour has allowed thousands of food bars donated by Air Europa's catering services provider, Gate Gourmet, to be transported to the area, as well as 40,000 toiletry bags with personal hygiene products, which will be distributed by the Foundation's staff on the ground. This non-profit organisation, created in 2018 and dedicated to promoting initiatives and charity activities aimed at improving the conditions of vulnerable groups, has been working in Morocco for a year alongside local actors to develop projects in rural areas to improve access to water.

Air Europa, which has operated regular flights to the North African country for years, did not hesitate to make its resources available to the victims through its partnership with the Othman Ktiri Foundation. The organisation, in addition to working on the ground to help the towns of southern Morocco where the violent earthquake left more than 2,000 fatalities and tens of thousands of people homeless, plans to launch a number of initiatives in the area shortly to rebuild homes and renovate buildings. It has also set up various channels to make financial contributions, which are listed at this link.


About Air Europa 

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. The company's fleet, made up of 50 aircraft, is one of the most modern and sustainable in the sector and consists of Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 737 models to maximise efficiency and comfort for its passengers. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. Air Europa also offers its passengers a high level of excellence and is routinely among Europe's most punctual airlines.

Air Europa receives the four-star airline rating from APEX

  • The award recognises the company's high quality standards, both in the provision of its services and in how it treats the customer onboard its planes.

Madrid, 22 September 2023. In 2024, Air Europa will have the four-star airline certificate in the large companies category, awarded by the prestigious APEX (Airline Passenger Experience Association) rating programme. The award, received this Wednesday at its traditional annual gala held in Los Angeles, identifies companies in the sector that stand out for their high quality standards, both in the design and provision of their services, as well as in the performance of their personnel onboard their planes and at airports.

The award, which Air Europa has received for the second time, is presented as the result of a strict analysis methodology that evaluates the feedback provided by the passengers of almost 600 airlines around the world, based on their evaluations of more than one million flights a year. All of this guarantees, with the endorsement of APEX, one of the largest international non-profit associations in the airline industry, a neutral result that takes into account the most comprehensive indicators for measuring the operational quality of an airline.

This certification underscores the efforts and dedication of the Air Europa team to achieve the highest recognition from its customers, who note in their satisfaction surveys not only the quality of service, but also the added value that the company provides to users.


About Air Europa 

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. The company's fleet, made up of 50 aircraft, is one of the most modern and sustainable in the sector and consists of Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 737 models to maximise efficiency and comfort for its passengers. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. Air Europa also offers its passengers a high level of excellence and is routinely among Europe's most punctual airlines.

Air Europa joins World Cleanup Day, organising a clean-up day for the beach of Cala Pi

  • The initiative was supported by the Llucmajor City Council and by company volunteers, who managed to collect up to 80 kilos of waste.

Madrid, 22 September 2023. True to its commitment to the environment, Air Europa gathered a group of volunteers at the airline this week with the aim of joining the World Cleanup Day initiative, a project that millions of people around the world get involved in to carry out activities aimed at having a cleaner and more sustainable world. With the support of the Llucmajor City Council, which provided materials to collect waste, the company organised a cleanup day at the beach of Cala Pi, where 80 kilos of waste were collected.

Air Europa, which resumed its involvement in this third edition, after the pause due to the pandemic, gathered together thirty volunteers, including environmental specialists from the Llucmajor Town Council, where the airline's headquarters are located, and its employees. The Sustainability Ambassador of Air Europa, Rosa Nordfeldt, was also present to help out with the activities that the company carries out in this area, which is one of the key cross-cutting themes of its 2023-2025 Strategic Plan.

As a result of the cleanup, all types of waste were removed from the beach, such as caps, piping, chairs and even tyres. All of this poses a threat to the preservation and survival of this type of environment. Initiatives such as this help to maintain natural spaces and to raise awareness of the negative consequences of not keeping ecosystems in balance.

In line with this action, Air Europa recently launched its "Flight 2030" programme, which brings together nearly fifty active sustainability projects, many of which are directly related to environmental conservation.


About Air Europa 

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. The company's fleet, made up of 50 aircraft, is one of the most modern and sustainable in the sector and consists of Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 737 models to maximise efficiency and comfort for its passengers. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. Air Europa also offers its passengers a high level of excellence and is routinely among Europe's most punctual airlines.

Air Europa offers more seats to America

  • The airline raises its capacity by over 13%, with almost 3 million seats available.
  • Air Europa will increase frequencies to Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Paraguay and Ecuador from December, and reinforce its Christmas flights to Salvador de Bahía, Asunción, New York and Bolivia.

Madrid, 16 August 2023. Air Europa continues to consolidate its commitment to connectivity on both sides of the Atlantic. This year, the airline will boost its seating capacity to America and offer nearly 3 million seats, 13.3% more than in 2022. This significant growth is accompanied by a greater number of frequencies to some of its destinations on the continent, as well as a significant reinforcement to meet the challenges of the Christmas and New Year's period.

Venezuela (+79.9%), Colombia (+35.3%) and Panama (+32.4%) are among the destinations that will see their seating capacities grow the most. The increase in demand throughout 2023 has also benefited from the completion of the fleet unification and expansion process, which will rely on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner as the aircraft for its long-haul flights. This has resulted in an increased seating capacity, and made for more efficient and comfortable flights.

In light of the market's good performance, Air Europa will increase its flight frequencies to nine of its destinations starting in December. It will gradually expand to six weekly flights to Panama and Medellin, and five weekly flights to Quito, Guayaquil, Asunción and Caracas. Similarly, and occasionally between December and January, it will offer a sixth flight to Asunción. It will also add a fifth weekly frequency to the United States (New York) and Santa Cruz de la Sierra in Bolivia, and activate a third connection to Salvador de Bahía in Brazil, to respond to the holiday demand at the end of the year.

"With this increase in frequencies, Air Europa once again demonstrates that it is one of the most important players in connecting Europe and America. Our customers opt for our company's approach due to the combination of service quality and the performance of our fleet, whether they are travelling for business, or for tourism or to visit family or friends, and who want to do so in the fastest, safest and most comfortable and efficient way possible", says Diego García, Managing Director of Air Europa in the Americas.

Thanks to this increase in seats, Air Europa continues to consolidate its key role as a strategic airline in connecting Europe and America, with a prominent presence at its Madrid-Barajas hub.


About Air Europa 

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. The company's fleet, made up of 50 aircraft, is one of the most modern and sustainable in the sector and consists of Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 737 models to maximise efficiency and comfort for its passengers. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. Air Europa also offers its passengers a high level of excellence and is routinely among Europe's most punctual airlines.

In its Flight 2030 programme, Air Europa brings together nearly 50 initiatives to shift towards a more sustainable future and implement its 23-25 Strategic Plan

  • The airline is applying environmental, economic and social measures to achieve more efficient operations in every sense.
  • Air Europa continues to improve its emission reduction indicators thanks to more efficient consumption and to the use of a more modern and sustainable fleet.
  • The new Annual Sustainability Report includes all the initiatives carried out over the last fiscal year involving its operations and the areas of safety, inclusion, participation and responsible consumption.

Madrid, 2 August 2023. In 2023, Air Europa launched its Flight 2030 project, which groups a set of 45 initiatives currently in progress to continue improving along the direction laid out in its 2023-2025 Strategic Plan. The airline's commitment is to be sustainable in every sense of the word, acknowledging that, while not an easy task, the company is on the right track.

The groundwork for Flight 2030 was laid in 2022. Over the course of the past year, progress was made toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which have yielded improvements in operational efficiency, reduced the environmental impact, increased on-time performance, involved suppliers and employees in adopting more responsible measures, advocated for inclusion and parity, and contributed to efforts for the betterment of the environment. The project presented now considers a series of environmental, economic and social actions that allow us to move further in this direction and achieve more efficient and sustainable operations.

The measures being included range from the growing use of sustainable fuel (SAF) to the incorporation of a sustainability clause in every contract, the use of technologies aimed at reducing the use of paper, consuming less energy in all operations, employee training and involvement, and selecting vendors whose policies are consistent with those of the company in this area.

The results of all the above are having a direct impact on the business. In 2022, the tonnes of fuel per kilometre transported fell by 26% compared to 2017, and 11% compared to 2021, which will contribute to achieving the emission reduction targets. Key to this was the fleet unification process, which involved transitioning to more sustainable and efficient aircraft, such as the Boeing 737 and 787 Dreamliner. Much of the progress made, including the use of SAF and incorporating experts in this area into the staff, was reflected in the most sustainable flight conducted by the company when it took pact in the first edition of The Sustainable Flight, organised by the SkyTeam alliance, which again launched this challenge in 2023, with Air Europa taking part with a flight between Madrid and Amsterdam.

The efforts in the area of sustainability spanned from the widespread use of compostable and recyclable materials on board the planes, to an almost 25% reduction in paper use per employee in just one year, thanks to the use of increasingly advanced digital systems, like the ones that allowed the first digital air cargo shipment to be made between Spain and Latin America. Measures have also been adopted to offset the carbon footprint by planting 1,700 trees in Guadalajara. This forest will offset more than 150 tonnes of CO2 over the next 50 years.

Air Europa's commitment to the contribution to the development of a more fair and responsible aviation sector is reflected in its 2022 Sustainability Report, which is available now on the company's website at this link. The document includes the various initiatives undertaken over the past year to continue paving the way that the rest of the industry will gradually take. All of this has resulted in this aspect being one of the core tenets of the Strategic Plan, which lays out a general outline that will allow Air Europa to consolidate its position between 2023 and 2025.

The Annual Report also describes numerous activities that have contributed to safer and more efficient operations for passengers. Currently, Air Europa has six safety, management and sustainability certifications, including the prestigious EMAS (Eco Management Audit System) and ISO 14001. The Annual Report also defines the company's vision, mission and values, its structure to ensure good corporate governance, and it identifies more than 150 environmental aspects and 20 indicators to use in order to apply improvement measures.


About Air Europa 

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. The company's fleet, made up of 50 aircraft, is one of the most modern and sustainable in the sector and consists of Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 737 models to maximise efficiency and comfort for its passengers. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. Air Europa also offers its passengers a high level of excellence and is routinely among Europe's most punctual airlines. 

SkyTeam rewards Air Europa for its ability to reduce emissions

  • A flight between Madrid and Amsterdam is recognised in the "Lowest short-haul CO2 emissions" category.
  • Air Europa has turned sustainability into one of the core elements of its 2023-2025 Strategic Plan, launching more than 45 initiatives in this field.

Air Europa won the "Lowest short-haul CO2 emissions" award in the "Sustainable Flight Challenge" challenge, presented by the SkyTeam alliance for the second year running. The airline was also a finalist in two other categories: "Greatest CO2 reduction in a short-haul flight" and "Lowest CO2 emissions for ground operations from an in-house facility".

On this occasion, the company connected Madrid and Amsterdam on a return flight that became the most sustainable of all the flights operated by the Spanish airline this year. To achieve this, Air Europa employed an aircraft of its most representative model, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, optimising every aspect of the operation - from the use of sustainable aviation fuel, SAF, to relying on electric ground handling vehicles - in an effort to demonstrate how it is possible to contribute to the decarbonisation of air transport and innovate to achieve a better future.

 The Sustainable Flight Challenge by SkyTeam is a unique proposal in the sector. It is a friendly competition between the companies in the alliance and some of their subsidiaries to help speed up innovation and change in the commercial aviation industry by minimising the environmental impact through good practices that can be implemented in daily operations. The challenge, which this year featured 22 airlines, had a total of 33 different categories with seven main winners, in separate short-, medium- and long-haul groups. The final awards gala, where the overall winners will be announced, will be held in the first week of October.

In keeping with the spirit of this challenge, Air Europa has just launched its Flight 2030 project, which groups a set of 45 initiatives currently in progress to continue advancing in the direction laid out in its 2023-2025 Strategic Plan. The airline thus continues to take firm steps towards sustainability.


About Air Europa 

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. The company's fleet, made up of 50 aircraft, is one of the most modern and sustainable in the sector and consists of Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 737 models to maximise efficiency and comfort for its passengers. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. Air Europa also offers its passengers a high level of excellence and is routinely among Europe's most punctual airlines. 


About The Sustainable Flight Challenge (TSFC)

The Sustainable Flight Challenge (TSFC) is aimed at challenging the aviation industry through the stimulus and acceleration of innovation in the search for a more sustainable future. TSFC is an initiative of the SkyTeam, a leading alliance of member airlines from all over the world. For the 2023 edition, the challenge is scheduled for the second quarter of the year, during which 22 participating airlines implement the most sustainable solutions by competing for a prize in 33 different categories. This challenge represents a new step towards making the aviation industry's future more sustainable.

Air Europa Express operates its last ATR 72 flight and caps off its fleet unification

  • For more than a decade, turboprops have operated more than 135,000 flights and transported almost six million passengers

Madrid, 15 July 2023. Air Europa and Air Europa Express finished unifying their fleets this week around the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and Boeing 737 models after the only remaining active ATR 72 operated its last flight between Alicante and Madrid yesterday.

The CEO of Air Europa Express, Toni Gimeno, together with airline's other executives, were amongst the passengers for this final flight of the aircraft, and paid tribute to the crew of this fleet.  

Air Europa and Air Europa Express thus ended more than a decade of operations on board this turboprop aircraft, which was used to fly on some of its domestic routes and operated the interisland flights in both the Canary Islands and Balearic Islands.

Over these years, the ATR fleet operated more than 135,000 flights and transported almost six million passengers. With the retirement of this last aircraft, Air Europa and Air Europa Express complete the fleet unification process around the Boeing 787 Dreamliner models for long haul and Boeing 737-800 for medium and short haul. Both aircraft, with greater capacity in their respective categories, can carry more people with fewer flights, resulting in improved efficiency and a significant reduction in emissions.

Fleet unification is one of the basic tenets of the 2023-2025 Strategic Plan, approved by the company to consolidate the organisation and expand its activity at every level, establishing sustainability, efficiency, innovation and excellence in customer service as essential to its growth.


About Air Europa 

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. 

Air Europa receives the "Caring Company" seal from Manos Unidas

  • The NGOD includes the airline in its "Somos Solidarios" (We Care) programme.
  • The collaboration between the two entities has led to the development of projects for vulnerable people and communities in countries to which the company flies, such as Paraguay, Ecuador, Peru and the Dominican Republic.

Madrid, 12 July 2023. The non-governmental organisation for development (NGOD) Manos Unidas has included Air Europa in its "Somos Solidarios" programme, an initiative that seeks to establish alliances with companies committed to social responsibility and sustainable development. The initiative recognises companies like Air Europa that collaborate through direct investment in the organisation's projects and general goals.

Manos Unidas has also awarded the airline its "Empresa Solidaria" (Caring Company) seal, which showcases companies that collaborate with the cause of the NGOD. In fact, in 2022 Air Europa reached an agreement with the non-profit organisation to make it easier for the association's members and volunteers to visit, oversee and verify the projects and initiatives that it carries out and supports in destinations where the airline operates or that are reached through connections. Manos Unidas can thus uphold its spirit of austerity while allocating the funds it manages to wherever they are most needed.

In recent months, this partnership has helped to activate and carry out various initiatives in Paraguay, Ecuador, Peru and the Dominican Republic, which have provided vulnerable people and communities with access to services for the integration of children, social justice for indigenous groups, work placement for women, and provided counselling to integrate convicts into the labour market, along with other projects.

Participating in charity initiatives is part of Air Europa's sustainability policy, which is, in fact, one of the fundamental pillars of its 2023-2025 + Air strategic plan.

Manos Unidas works to help, promote and boost the most disadvantaged and developing countries. In 2022, it had over 400 active projects that, when combined with those started in previous years, totalled 721 in progress. Its mission is to fight hunger, underdevelopment and lack of education. To this end, it works to eradicate the structural causes that give rise to these problems, such as injustice, the unequal distribution of goods and opportunities between people, ignorance, prejudice or lack of solidarity.


About Air Europa 

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. The company's fleet, made up of 50 aircraft, is one of the most modern and sustainable in the sector and consists of Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 737 models to maximise efficiency and comfort for its passengers. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. Air Europa also offers its passengers a high level of excellence and is routinely among Europe's most punctual airlines. 

Air Europa flies to Prague in a code-share with Czech Airlines

  • The number of passengers flying under this system in the first half of the year is up by more than 34%

Air Europa expands its reach in Europe and adds Prague, one of the continent's most touristy cities, to its extensive network of destinations. To this end, it has reactivated the code-sharing agreement with Czech Airlines, the Czech Republic's main airline, which boosts its offerings and provides more and better flight options to its customers. Thanks to this alliance, Air Europa has placed its code on two direct flights a week between Madrid and Prague.

The availability of this new route translates into significant benefits for passengers, who will now have more connectivity options with other national and American destinations.  Thanks to the shared code, users get significant advantages, such as one ticket purchase, one check-in and connections with minimum waiting times, among other benefits.

In the first half of this year, the number of Air Europa passengers who flew using this option grew by more than 34% compared to the same period last year. Air Europa has code-sharing agreements with more than twenty airlines and offers more than 200 flights a day, which allows it to reach over 110 destinations in 35 countries.

This step reflects the strengthening of the code-sharing agreement strategy, which recovered to a great extent in 2022, and to which Air Europa is firmly committed. With Prague, the airline builds its presence in Central Europe, where it also flies under code-sharing to other destinations, such as Belgrade with Air Serbia; Bucharest with Tarom; and Krakow and Warsaw, via Amsterdam, with KLM.

Air Europa continues to invest in growing this route to expand its users' options, even by combining different means of transport. Proof of this is the intermodal agreement reached with iryo, the new high-speed train operator in Spain, which will go into operation from September.  

The airline also continues to work to offer more destinations through existing agreements, and to sign others with new airlines to expand the current network, mainly in Latin America, but also in Europe, North America and Asia.


About Air Europa 

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. The company's fleet, made up of 50 aircraft, is one of the most modern and sustainable in the sector and consists of Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 737 models to maximise efficiency and comfort for its passengers. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. Air Europa also offers its passengers a high level of excellence and is routinely among Europe's most punctual airlines.

Air Europa, the official airline of Madrid Pride 2023 for the fifth year in a row

  • Under the slogan "You decide your destination", it will take part with a float on 1 July during the main ceremony of the great Pride party.
  • The cabin lights of the aircraft in its fleet will be lit up in the rainbow flag.

Madrid, 27 June 2023. For the fifth year in a row, Air Europa joins Madrid Pride 2023 (MADO) as the official airline of the most representative event in Spain to stand up for LGTBIQ+ rights. The airline once again highlights the slogan "You decide your destination", consistent both with its position as a company, and its stance in favour of peace, equality, diversity, inclusion and freedom.

As in previous years, Air Europa will be actively involved with its own float in the parade that will take to the streets of Madrid on Saturday, 1 July. By doing so, it reaffirms and showcases its commitment to the values on display at the great Pride party.

Also, for the entire week, the fleet's aircraft will display the rainbow flag with their cabin lights. Meanwhile, a message will be broadcast on the PA system expressing the airline's agreement with the values represented by MADO. Finally, the avatars of the company's social media profiles will be changed to showcase its endorsement of this initiative, showing the group's colours and adding images, content and messages alluding to the celebration.

Aware of the importance of travelling towards a more flexible world, Air Europa, through this firm commitment, manages to identify itself as an airline that is open to diversity, far removed from stereotypes and predefined barriers. The company, which has as its general slogan "Air Europa: You decide", is detremined in this context to help put an end to clichés that stigmatise and limit, so that we can build an increasingly free and diverse world together.


About Air Europa

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. The company's fleet, made up of 50 aircraft, is one of the most modern and sustainable in the sector and consists of Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 737 models to maximise efficiency and comfort for its passengers. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. Air Europa also offers its passengers a high level of excellence and is routinely among Europe's most punctual airlines.

iryo and Air Europa sign a multimodal agreement that lets travellers buy combined train and aeroplane trips on a single ticket

Thanks to this alliance, which will be implemented by the end of 2023, travellers will be able to purchase combined train (Iryo) and aeroplane (Air Europa) trips on a single ticket on the Air Europa website or at authorised travel agencies.

22 JUNE 2023 - iryo, Spain's first private operator of high-speed trains, owned by Trenitalia, Air Nostrum and Globalvia, and Air Europa announce an agreement to combine train and aeroplane tickets.

The agreement was signed today on board an iryo train at the Atocha Station in Madrid by Simone Gordini, CEO and General Manager of iryo, and Jesús Nuño of the Rosa, CEO of Air Europa.

The new product will let travellers purchase combined train and aeroplane tickets on the Air Europa website or at authorised travel agencies by the end of 2023. Passengers will be able to purchase in a single ticket the connections offered by iryo between Madrid and eleven Spanish cities (Barcelona, Tarragona, Zaragoza, Cuenca, Valencia, Albacete, Alicante, Málaga, Antequera, Córdoba and Seville), and the 33 destinations that Air Europa operates on the continent and its 21 transoceanic destinations in America.

Users will be regarded as connecting passengers, letting them enjoy the same advantages and guarantees that the two companies offer their customers as part of their services.

With this agreement, iryo is advancing its multimodal strategy and showcasing trains as a sustainable feeder for medium- and long-haul flights; while also letting Air Europa expand its range of destinations, thus improving its customer experience. This strategy is essential to reducing the impact of climate change on travel, which is everyone's obligation. The two companies are also enhancing connectivity between the Madrid Barajas hub and the mainland with an efficient and sustainable proposal that seeks to satisfy the needs of leisure and business travellers.

As Simone Gorini said, "with this alliance we are reinforcing iryo's strategic role in connecting Spain with Europe and America. Thanks to this agreement we are working on, we are taking the next step in mobility with all-in-one solutions that offers travellers a more complete and sustainable transport experience. For iryo, it is an honour to have Air Europa as the first partner in a rail/aeroplane alliance, as we draw closer and closer to having more integrated and sustainable mobility that puts the customer experience, innovation and environmental protection at the centre".

Meanwhile, Jesús Nuño de la Rosa highlighted "the importance of connectivity as part of our mission as a company. We are constantly working to offer our customers comprehensive travel solutions, hence the strategic importance of this agreement with iryo, which will allow us to offer every possible option to improve mobility through a complete, efficient and sustainable experience. We are very pleased to start on this new journey with iryo, the new player in high-speed rail in Spain with so many possibilities for market growth, and we trust this partnership will endure for many more years".

This is just the first phase of a project that will continue, especially in 2025, when the high-speed line arrives directly at Madrid Barajas Airport. This will represent a new stage in multimodal transport by allowing passengers arriving by plane to take the iryo train right at the airport and continue on their journey.

iryo media contact:

Alejandra Elorza: | +34 661 159 283
Carmen Niso: | +34 602 251 092
Marta Estarellas: | +34 616 469 524

Air Europa media contact: | +34 91 540 16 82


About iryo

iryo is Spain's top high-speed rail operator in terms of frequencies and fleet volume. It is owned by Air Nostrum, Globalvia and Trenitalia. The company began operations in 2022 with the only fleet of new trains on the market: in the first phase, 20 state-of-the-art units manufactured by Hitachi Rail-Alstom Group, in which it invested 800 million euros. iryo will operate 30% of all high-speed frequencies in Spain, and it aims to transport 8 million passengers between Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Málaga, Córdoba, Valencia, Alicante and Zaragoza at the start of its operation. The company, which expects to create around 2,600 direct and indirect jobs, won package B - with the second highest number of frequencies after Renfe's contract - in the tender launched by ADIF in November 2019 to liberalise rail transport in Spain. iryo is led by Carlos Bertomeu, Chairman; and Simone Gorini, CEO and General Manager.

For more information, visit


About Air Europa

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. The company's fleet, made up of 50 aircraft, is one of the most modern and sustainable in the sector and consists of Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 737 models to maximise efficiency and comfort for its passengers. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. Air Europa also offers its passengers a high level of excellence and is routinely among Europe's most punctual airlines.

Air Europa begins its flights to Greece, with more than 30,000 seats available this summer

  • The airline starts its flights to Athens today and premieres its connection to Santorini tomorrow.
  • Air Europa will operate nearly 170 flights with its 737 fleet, and will allow its passengers to bid on upgrades to Business Class thanks to its new Plusgrade system.

Madrid, 19 June 2023. Air Europa sets course for Greece with the arrival of the summer season. Starting this week, routes to Athens and Santorini, two of the most unique and characteristic destinations of the summer season in Europe, are being activated. Flights to the Greek capital resume today, Monday the 19th, while the routes to the idyllic island in the Aegean Sea begin tomorrow. In total, there will be nearly 170 flights and more than 30,000 seats offered over the next few months.

Santorini is one of Air Europa's main new destinations this year. It's the airline's first time flying to this destination, and it does so with three weekly frequencies departing from Madrid-Barajas Airport on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. A total of 72 flights will be operated, offering over 13,000 seats.

In the case of Athens, the number of flights will be around one hundred, which will be equivalent to more than 17,000 seats. The route will have four weekly frequencies from Madrid, on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.

Both flights will be operated with the Boeing 737 fleet, which guarantees more capacity for mid-haul flights, a high level of comfort and a more efficient journey. Passengers will be offered a wide range of services to personalise the flight experience to their liking: from the choice of onboard menu and priority boarding, to a wide range of entertainment and Wi-Fi options.

What's more, the Plusgrade option, one of this year's main new features for Air Europa customers, will be available on all flights that offer Business Class. Thanks to this recently introduced system, users can make an offer to upgrade a certain service, or to Business Class, bidding based on a reference price for a chance to enjoy a unique experience at a more competitive price.

With Air Europa, it's time to visit the cradle of civilization on the Old Continent and enjoy summer in style.


About Air Europa 

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. The company's fleet, made up of 50 aircraft, is one of the most modern and sustainable in the sector and consists of Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 737 models to maximise efficiency and comfort for its passengers. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. Air Europa also offers its passengers a high level of excellence and is routinely among Europe's most punctual airlines.

Air Europa activates a bid system to upgrade to Business Class

  • The airline integrates the Plusgrade platform on all its routes, allowing customers with an Economy-class ticket to upgrade.
  • Users bid an amount based on a reference figure proposed by the platform; if their bid is among the best, they will be able to fly Business, access the VIP lounge, get preferred boarding and other benefits.

Madrid, 15 June 2023. Travelling in Business Class with Air Europa is now closer for all passengers with an Economy-class ticket. The company has become the first Spanish airline to activate the Plusgrade platform for its customers, which lets them bid to upgrade their ticket purchase and thus enjoy many of the advantages offered to Business-class travellers. Plusgrade, part of the Amadeus booking management system, is a new leap forward in the configuration and customisation of the flight experience, which is essential to the company's offerings.

Starting this week, Plusgrade is available for Economy-class customers on all Air Europa flights that offer Business Class. The system lets users make an offer to upgrade their ticket, either by email invitation, which they will receive seven days before their flight, or through the airline's website. The platform suggests a reference bid, and the user can offer an amount that is higher or lower. Hours before the trip, availability permitting, Air Europa notifies the travellers of their winning bids. The customer only pays the cost of the upgrade when informed of their winning bid and they confirm their interest in upgrading.

Travelling on Air Europa Business Class lets passengers enjoy not only the comfort of the spaces provided for this category and the variety and quality of on-board services, such as its culinary selection. It also provides other benefits, such as access to VIP lounges at airports, check-in at an exclusive counter and priority boarding.

Passengers can try out Plusgrade as soon as they book their flight. In any case, they need to keep in mind that if several passengers are listed on the purchase order, Plusgrade will be applied to all of them, but they can customise their bid directly with Customer Service if they want their bid to apply only to specific tickets. Likewise, for a flight with stopovers, they have to specify the segment or leg for which they are bidding to upgrade to Business.

The Plusgrade initiative, which was already available on a dozen domestic, European and transoceanic routes on a trial basis, is once again putting Air Europa at the cutting of marketing its services to passengers. It also helps to showcase its Business class, which is one of the company's hallmarks on all the routes it operates.


About Air Europa 

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. The company's fleet, made up of 50 aircraft, is one of the most modern and sustainable in the sector and consists of Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 737 models to maximise efficiency and comfort for its passengers. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. Air Europa also offers its passengers a high level of excellence and is routinely among Europe's most punctual airlines.

Martín Berasategui's cuisine lands in Economy Class at Air Europa

  • The airline renews its off-menu offerings and includes the award-winning creations of the Michelin-starred chef among the options available to passengers on all long-haul flights departing from Madrid-Barajas

Madrid, 6 June 2023. The talent of Martín Berasategui, one of the most internationally renowned Spanish chefs, is now within reach of all Economy Class passengers on intercontinental flights departing from Madrid Adolfo Suárez Barajas Airport. Until now, Berasategui's creations were only available on the company's Business Class menus. Now, and for the first time in the sector, all travellers will have access to the dishes of the award-winning chef with 12 Michelin stars.

The "By Martín" menu is the highlight of Air Europa's new off-menu options. Passengers who opt for it will enjoy a hot cream of squash or asparagus, a chicken supreme with puntallete pasta, and a mango cake that will turn their journey into a unique and top-notch culinary experience.

Three new off-menu options are being added to Berasategui's menu, which will be phased in on transoceanic flights to the Spanish capital.  The dishes reflect different cuisines to suit the tastes of passengers. Thus, the "Flavours" menu is characterised by pasta; the "Balanced" menu features a salmon poke; and finally the "Energy" menu offers a burger with the necessary toppings and sides to personalise it to your liking. All the off-menu items include a second meal service during the journey.

The little ones are also the focus of the improvements that Air Europa is introducing to achieve excellence in its products and services. On intercontinental flights, all children between 2 and 11 who fly with the airline are automatically assigned a specific children's menu without having to request it beforehand. And to make their meal more fun, the trays include different games and activities.


About Air Europa 

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. The company's fleet, made up of 45 aircraft, is one of the most modern and sustainable in the sector and consists of Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 737 models to maximise efficiency and comfort for its passengers. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. Air Europa also offers its passengers a high level of excellence and is routinely among Europe's most punctual airlines.

Air Europa is getting ready for summer with an offer that exceeds 8.5 million seats.

  • The company is offering nearly one million more seats than in the summer of 2022, and it's boosting the seats available for all its destinations, with an increase of over 24% in the case of domestic flights.
  • This year, Air Europa will launch a new summer route to Santorini and bring back destinations such as Alghero, Athens and Tunisia, while also offering more frequencies to key destinations both within and outside Spain.

Madrid, May 23, 2023. Air Europa is preparing for summer with a significant increase in the number of seats compared to last year's summer season. To meet rising demand and market performance, the airline has responded by making available more than 8.5 million seats in a fleet built around the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and Boeing 737-800 models, which will cover more routes with a significant increase in frequencies. The figure exceeds the available places in the same period of 2022 by almost one million, and is another example of the standardisation of Air Europa's activity and growth strategy.

While every destination offers more possibilities for customers, routes to Europe and long-haul flights are again the ones that will offer the highest number of seats, with more than 2.4 million and 2 million, respectively. Also of note is the significant increase in domestic seats, where more than 1.6 million spaces will be available, representing a growth of over 24% compared to 2022.

During the summer months, Air Europa will offer three weekly flights to the Greek island of Santorini, as well as connections between Santiago de Compostela and Tenerife and Lanzarote, and between Barcelona and Lanzarote. Certain routes will also be reactivated during these dates, such as international flights to Alghero in Italy, Athens and Tunisia, in addition to flights between Bilbao and Mahón, Bilbao and Ibiza, and Seville and Palma de Mallorca.

Some key summer destinations will be reinforced with a significant increase in frequencies. In long haul, flights to Asunción (Paraguay) and Córdoba (Argentina) will become daily, while the connection to Medellin will fly five times a week. Similarly, frequencies between Bilbao and Palma de Mallorca will be daily in the summer, while those connecting Madrid and Lanzarote will increase to four per week.

The key to this increased capacity is the Air Europa fleet, which is built around Boeing models. Both the 787 and 737-800 provide more seats and offer clear improvements in terms of efficiency and comfort. The Dreamliner is, in fact, the airline's hallmark and represents the most modern aircraft in its category, able to reduce fuel consumption and emissions by 20%, and noise pollution by up to 60%.


About Air Europa 

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. The company's fleet, made up of 45 aircraft, is one of the most modern and sustainable in the sector and consists of Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 737 models to maximise efficiency and comfort for its passengers. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. Air Europa also offers its passengers a high level of excellence and is routinely among Europe's most punctual airlines.

Air Europa resumes its summer route between Athens and Madrid

  • From 20 June, it will fly to the Spanish capital four days a week with its 737 fleet
  • The Madrid hub connects to 56 other destinations domestically, in Europe and America

This summer, Air Europa is resuming its route between Athens and Madrid, which it will operate with its Boeing 737-800 fleet, which, with a capacity for 178 passengers, stands out for its efficient performance.

The airline will connect the Greek capital with Madrid with four flights a week, and also offer a quick and comfortable connection to 33 other European and Spanish cities, and 23 destinations in the USA and Latin America, from its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport.

The first flight from Athens to Madrid will take off on 20 June at 03:05, and continue until mid-September every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. In the opposite direction, the flight will depart from Madrid every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at 21:45.

The Boeing 737 and the 787 Dreamliner around which Air Europa has structured its entire fleet boast exceptional environmental performance. On board, passengers receive the best services and products so they can enjoy a unique flight experience. For example, the airline offers adapted menus, seat selection, customised Wi-Fi plans, extra luggage, priority boarding, and more, so that each customer can set up the flight to suit their needs.

Air Europa joins SkyTeam's sustainable flight challenge again with its most efficient and egalitarian flight

  • For the second year in a row, the airline is taking part in the competition organised by the airline alliance with a flight between Madrid and Amsterdam that is optimised to minimise its environmental impact.
  • The company operated the aeroplane, a Boeing 787 Dreamliner, with SAF, minimised the use of paper, used biodegradable materials on board, carried out the ground operations with electric vehicles and applied equality criteria to the crew configuration.
  • Air Europa has turned sustainability into one of the core elements of its 2023-2025 Strategic Plan, launching more than 40 initiatives in this field.

 Madrid, 22 May 2023. Air Europa continues to take firm steps towards sustainability.
The airline, which has been conducting specific actions and programmes for years aimed at reducing its environmental impact, increasing efficiency and striking a greater social balance, showcased part of these initiatives on Saturday, 20 May. The company connected Madrid and Amsterdam on a return flight that became the year's most sustainable flight. It did so on an aircraft of its most representative model, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, optimising every aspect of the operation with a view to demonstrating how it is possible to contribute to the decarbonisation of air transport and innovate to achieve a better future. For the second year running, this initiative was part of the Sustainable Flight Challenge, which the SkyTeam alliance proposes to all its airlines.

The Sustainable Flight Challenge is a unique proposal in the sector consisting of a friendly competition between the companies in the alliance and some of their subsidiaries, to help drive innovation and change in the sector by minimising the environmental impact through good practices that can be implemented in daily operations. This year's challenge has a total of 33 different categories with seven main winners, distinguishing between short-, medium- and long-haul flights. Each of these categories will recognise the application of advanced responsibility solutions so that the most successful ones can be implemented.

In the case of Air Europa, the flight in question, classified as short haul, was organised to make both ground and air operations as efficient as possible. Notable amongst the measures implemented was the use of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) made from renewable materials such as non-food organic waste, thus promoting maximum circularity and sustainability. In addition, all ground manoeuvres relied on electric vehicles not only for refuelling, but also for loading and towing the aircraft.

The Air Europa Space Control team worked with other areas of the company to determine the optimal flight and date, both in terms of cargo and passengers, while also defining the most suitable route to minimise fuel consumption.

On board, it was decided to offer only fresh, local products for the meal service, and to use biodegradable containers, glasses and cutlery. All the waste generated was separated for subsequent processing and recycling, thus guaranteeing its transformation for future uses.

To reduce paper consumption, online check-in was encouraged to prevent passengers from printing out their tickets. Moreover, the on-board menus were printed on recycled paper, and the pilots resorted to an Electronic Flight Bag, which replaces conventional flight documents with digital material.

People also played a leading role. The entire crew was selected using equality criteria to ensure an egalitarian balance. In addition, the office was strategically located so that the entire crew could walk to the facility, thus avoiding the use of polluting transport systems.

To top it all off, the route was flown on a Dreamliner, one of the most efficient models on the market, which can reduce both emissions and fuel consumption by 20% thanks to its aerodynamics and innovative technology. The Boeing 787 also has a 60% lower acoustic footprint, which significantly benefits population centres close to airports. Elsewhere, the company has put sustainability at the centre of its ambitious 2023-2025 Strategic Plan, announced last March. In this regard, it has implemented more than 40 actions aimed at helping to make the sector economically profitable while also environmentally and socially friendly. These actions include the development of equipment and systems for calculating more efficient routes and loads, and the application of the most advanced technology to digitise various aspects of the operation.

The Sustainable Flight Challenge seeks to help accelerate sustainable innovation and share knowledge amongst different stakeholders in the aviation industry through a friendly competition. In this second edition, the 22 SkyTeam airlines united in this challenge seek to demonstrate that aviation can be more sustainable.


About Air Europa 

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. The company's fleet, made up of 50 aircraft, is one of the most modern and sustainable in the sector and consists of Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 737 models to maximise efficiency and comfort for its passengers. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. Air Europa also offers its passengers a high level of excellence and is routinely among Europe's most punctual airlines. 

About The Sustainable Flight Challenge (TSFC)

The Sustainable Flight Challenge (TSFC) is aimed at challenging the aviation industry through the stimulus and acceleration of innovation in the search for a more sustainable future. TSFC is an initiative of the SkyTeam, a leading alliance of member airlines from all over the world. For the 2023 edition, the challenge is scheduled for the second quarter of the year, during which 22 participating airlines implement the most sustainable solutions by competing for a prize in 33 different categories. This challenge represents a new step towards making the aviation industry's future more sustainable.

Air Europa increases flights between Lanzarote and the mainland by 15%

  • Today, the CEO of Air Europa and the president of the Lanzarote Island Council named a Boeing 737 after the artist César Manrique to promote this destination in the Canaries
  • The airline boosts connectivity with 15,500 more seats and, starting in June, it is adding new routes from Lanzarote to Barcelona and Santiago
  • Air Europa is also doubling the number of frequencies between Lanzarote and Madrid

Madrid, 27 March 2023. Starting today, the name of the multidisciplinary artist César Manrique, born in Lanzarote, will be at the front of one of Air Europa's Boeing 737 aircraft, the fleet that regularly covers the airline's domestic and European network. This aircraft was christened as part of the activities that the company will carry out to promote the easternmost of the Canary Islands, whose connectivity with the mainland is being reinforced this year by Air Europa, with a 15% increase in the number of flights and 15,500 additional seats compared to last year.

This morning, Air Europa's CEO, Jesús Nuño de la Rosa, accompanied by the President of the Lanzarote Island Council, María Dolores Corujo and other officials from the island, paid tribute to the man who was once the artistic icon of Lanzarote by naming one of its aircraft after him. The event, which took place at the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, was also attended by the CEO of the Lanzarote Foreign Promotion Society, Héctor Hernández; a representative of the Lanzarote Board of Tourism, Marcos Medina; the chairman of the César Manrique Foundation, José Juan Ramírez; and the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of Lanzarote and La Graciosa, José Valle Martínez. Also present on behalf of Air Europa was its Marketing Director, Rafael Brull.

The continued commitment of Globalia's air division to Lanzarote translates into a total of 644 flights between this Canary island and the mainland, offering almost 120,000 seats all throughout 2023. Also, from June and throughout the summer, Air Europa will connect Lanzarote to Barcelona and Santiago de Compostela.

The new route between Lanzarote and Barcelona will open on 26 June with two weekly flights, on Mondays and Fridays. Two days later, the connection between Lanzarote and Santiago de Compostela will open and continue throughout the summer with one weekly frequency on Wednesdays.

In addition, the route between Lanzarote and Bilbao will remain, with its current three weekly frequencies, and the route between Lanzarote and Madrid will double in frequency starting in mid-June, going from two to four per week. The Madrid-Barajas hub provides passengers with a quick and convenient connection to European and transoceanic destinations where Air Europa flies. 

The president of the Lanzarote Island Council thanked the airline for the increased connectivity between the mainland and Lanzarote, and stated that César Manrique "is the most important figure in the recent history of Lanzarote". He also noted: "His work and his thinking are still highly relevant and so significant that Lanzarote cannot be understood without his contributions, which makes him a source of inspiration for facing the challenges that lie ahead for the island".

"We are very pleased to celebrate a day like today, when the name Air Europa will be united with that of César Manrique", said Jesús Nuño de la Rosa. "We very much identify with the environmental values that the artist always exhibited. Proof of this is our constant struggle for the future of decarbonisation, our commitment to a sustainable fleet and efficiency in each of our processes".

For the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of Lanzarote and La Graciosa, José Valle, this christening is of great significance for the island and the artist. The aeroplane bearing his name will fly all over the world representing Lanzarote and, in this regard, the Council is very grateful for accepting the proposal, and to the César Manrique Foundation for its collaboration.


About Air Europa 

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. The company's fleet, made up of 50 aircraft, is one of the most modern and sustainable in the sector and consists of Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 737 models to maximise efficiency and comfort for its passengers. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. Air Europa also offers its passengers a high level of excellence and is routinely among Europe's most punctual airlines. 

In 2022, Air Europa reinforced its cargo division with an increase in transported volume of more than 78%

  • Air Europa Cargo has already surpassed its 2019 cargo and billing figures, and expects to maintain its results throughout 2023.
  • The key to the performance of the air cargo division lies in the commitment to innovation through process digitisation and the use of a fleet - led by the Boeing 787 Dreamliner - with a greater cargo hold capacity

Madrid, 15 March 2023. Air Europa Cargo, Air Europa's air freight division, reinforced its activity in 2022 with a significant increase in kilos transported and turnover. The company moved 56.6 million kilos in the year, 78.54% more than in 2021. While most of the routes were inactive two years ago as a result of the pandemic, the figures for 2022 are now higher than those reported in 2019, even in turnover, which was twice that of the pre-pandemic year. For 2023, we expect to maintain the current cargo volume and revenue and increase the available destinations.

Since its creation in 2018, Air Europa Cargo has relied primarily on its operational management model, characterised by flexibility and innovation through process optimisation. One example of this is the digitisation of the corridors with America, which began in May 2022 with the organisation of the first paperless air cargo shipment between Europe and South America (a connection between Madrid-Barajas and Montevideo), thanks to the use of blockchain technology. The company has also digitised its booking processes with the incorporation of the CargoWALLET platform by CargoAi, it has optimised the palletisation of spaces to better organise cargo through digital technology, and it is incorporating the IATA e-Air Waybill to digitally manage the air cargo processes in all the countries in the Americas where it operates.

The unification and expansion of Air Europa's fleet has also been fundamental, entailing the incorporation of aircraft with greater capacity in long-haul operations, such as the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. Thanks to this, the company can access more space in the cargo hold, make its routes more profitable and its operations more efficient. In fact, Air Europa is currently the airline with the highest postal activity in Spain, with more than 4.2 million deliveries compared to 2.9 million in 2021. The unit is already working on improvements, such as new containers (ULD) and certifications to transport pharmaceuticals.

The success of Air Europa Cargo's strategy was recently recognised in the figure of its CEO, Jordi Piqué, who this month received the 2022 Air Cargo Professional award from Foro MADCargo Forum.

Currently, Air Europa Cargo operates in over 65 countries, not only in Europe and America, but also in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, through the agreements it has with other companies. The routes with the most cargo activity include destinations such as Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Lima, Bogotá and Miami. The company expects to increase its presence in new countries this year thanks to the signing of new interline agreements.


About Air Europa 

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. The company's fleet, made up of 50 aircraft, is one of the most modern and sustainable in the sector and consists of Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 737 models to maximise efficiency and comfort for its passengers. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. Air Europa also offers its passengers a high level of excellence and is routinely among Europe's most punctual airlines. 

Air Europa Suma and Treedom will let their customers redeem their air miles for trees

  • Users of the airline's loyalty programme will be able to help plant trees in Ecuador and Colombia, helping the environment and local communities.
  • Air Europa's loyalty programme addresses its customers' interest in sustainability and social commitment, with the airline becoming the first to take part in this programme.

Madrid, 21 February 2023. Air Europa's Suma loyalty programme continues to add new features to become the most comprehensive, appealing and innovative on the market. Now, it is also the most committed to its users' growing interest in sustainability and environmental stewardship.

As part of the constant search for new partners and collaborators to provide added value, Air Europa has reached an agreement with the organisation Treedom to offer Air Europa SUMA customers the option to redeem their miles for trees. This entity is an international platform that lets users plant trees remotely, sponsoring their care to help communities develop in the countries where it operates, particularly in Latin America. This generates environmental and social benefits.

The airline has pre-purchased a thousand trees in Ecuador and Colombia for Air Europa Suma, so that users of its programme can contribute by planting their own tree in exchange for 2,500 miles. This option lets users name it, see it grow and receive photos of its changing environment through the use of geolocation technology. Through this initiative, Air Europa SUMA customers will support local farming communities, since the fruit of the tree will belong to the farmers tasked with their care, who can use them as a food resource or to supplement their income. As a result, customers contribute to a greener planet by protecting soil and biodiversity. One of the first customers to buy a tree with 2,500 miles was Mauro Nafarrate, who defines this option as "a great idea that lets you contribute to sustainable development with a very simple gesture". He adds, without hesitation, "it's a very nice initiative to promote local sustainability".

This collaboration, the first involving an airline and Treedom's activity, is integrated into Air Europa's strategic proposal for engaging in the ongoing improvement of its loyalty programme to transform it into a platform of new services and benefits with which to improve and personalise each travel experience, allowing travellers in this case to express and showcase their contribution to sustainability.

Air Europa, meanwhile, is working on the continuous application of measures aimed at increasing the efficiency and sustainability of its processes by promoting the circular economy in all aspects of its operations: from buying tickets to managing the flight, from ground operations, handling, and billing to, as on this occasion, the services offered to the members of its loyalty programme.

For more information on the Air Europa Suma programme, go to:

For more information on Treedom, visit:


About Air Europa 

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. The company's fleet, made up of 50 aircraft, is one of the most modern and sustainable in the sector and consists of Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 737 models to maximise efficiency and comfort for its passengers. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. Air Europa also offers its passengers a high level of excellence and is routinely among Europe's most punctual airlines.

Air Europa reaches an agreement with and ensures connectivity between the Balearic Islands.

  • In late March, it will roll out its code on flights operated by between Mallorca and Menorca, and Mallorca and Ibiza
  • The aeroplane model used by Air Europa to cover interisland operations leaves the fleet, which is consolidated around the Boeing 737 and the Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Madrid, 9 February 2023. Air Europa has reached a code-sharing agreement with, the airline focused on interisland air traffic, in order to help guarantee connectivity between the Balearic Islands.

As part of the agreement, starting on 26 March, Air Europa will no longer fly between the islands, although it will maintain connectivity by deploying its code on flights operated by between Mallorca and Menorca, and Mallorca and Ibiza. This way, the company continues to provide interisland mobility for all its customers while ensuring that the agreement reflects its sustainability standards.  Imanol Pérez, Commercial Director of Air Europa, holds a very satisfactory view of the agreement reached since "for us, it was a priority to maintain the best operations between the Balearic Islands, and the agreement with, as a company offering interisland routes, guarantees excellent connectivity".

For his part, Salvador Moreno, the Chairman of, stated: "We have been working together and efficiently with Air Europa for many years through our parent company, Swiftair, in communities like the Balearic Islands, and we are very pleased to cooperate in this new stage, ensuring the connectivity of its passengers between the Balearic Islands, while simultaneously cementing the growth of our company, which is fully rooted in this Autonomous Community.

Until now, Air Europa covered the operation between islands with a ATR-72, the aircraft model that will cease to be part of the fleet as it focuses its operations around the most modern, efficient and sustainable models of Boeing: the 737-800 for short- and medium-haul routes; and the 787 Dreamliner for transoceanic flights. This summer, the airline will have a total of 50 aircraft: 26 Boeing 737s and 24 Dreamliners.

Historically, the Balearic Islands have been one of the strategic destinations, and key to the airline's operations. Because of this, Air Europa is offering 16% more seats between the Balearic Islands and the mainland this year, and will operate 12% more flights compared to last year. What's more, the route between Palma de Mallorca and Málaga, which until now only flew in the summer, will remain in place year-round with three weekly frequencies.


About Air Europa 

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. The company's fleet, made up of 50 aircraft, is one of the most modern and sustainable in the sector and consists of Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 737 models to maximise efficiency and comfort for its passengers. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. Air Europa also offers its passengers a high level of excellence and is routinely among Europe's most punctual airlines. 

Air Europa Suma reaches 2 million customers and launches new services for 2023

  • Air Europa Suma customers will also be able to redeem their miles for airline services
  • The loyalty programme continues with the expansion of partners in all regions where the airline operates to offer the best travel experience  

Madrid, 2 February 2023. The Air Europa Suma loyalty programme has managed to reach two million customers worldwide. To celebrate this, the company surprised its two millionth passenger with several customised gifts on their flight from Rome to Madrid, and thanked them for placing their trust in the airline.  This figure also reflects the growing success of Air Europa Suma, which currently receives an average of over 35,000 new customers per month. Air Europa Suma's objective for this fiscal year is to continue to be one of the largest, fastest, most attractive, and most innovative loyalty programs in the sector for air transport customers.

Furthermore, Air Europa Suma will also allow customers to redeem their Miles for Air Europa's own services this year. To date, customers could exchange their Miles for flights with Air Europa and other airlines in the SkyTeam alliance; as well as for a wide selection of services provided by programme partners, such as hotel stays, car rental, fuel, online shopping and even insurance. This year, miles can also be exchanged for additional services and features, as well as on board purchases and access to VIP lounges at airports. For this purpose, the airline is adapting the technology platform that will allow Miles to become a payment method for Air Europa, available to all customers using the programme.  

Air Europa also continues to work to add new partners to the loyalty programme to ensure that passengers enjoy a reliable and satisfactory travel experience. Currently, Air Europa Suma has more than 40 collaborators on the market; the challenge for 2023 is to work with new and recognised global partners to attend to customers in all regions where the airline operates.

These changes are aligned with Air Europa's strategic proposal for continuous improvement of its customer service. This makes Air Europa Suma not just a Miles programme, but also a complete platform of new services and benefits to improve and customise every travel experience. It is also worth noting the significant growth that the programme is seeing in international markets, where the number of new customers has increased by several percentage points, especially in Latin America.   

For more information on the Air Europa Suma programme, go to:


About Air Europa 

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. The company's fleet, made up of 50 aircraft, is one of the most modern and sustainable in the sector and consists of Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 737 models to maximise efficiency and comfort for its passengers. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. Air Europa also offers its passengers a high level of excellence and is routinely among Europe's most punctual airlines.

Air Europa continues its expansion plan and opens new routes in America

  • It will start flying to San José in Costa Rica, and connect New York with Santo Domingo
  •  It will add more flights to Punta Cana, Miami, Salvador de Bahía, Asunción, Córdoba, Panama, Medellin and Caracas.
  • In the summer, it will open a new route to Santorini and fly to Tunisia, Alghero and Athens.

Madrid, 20 January 2023. Air Europa begins the year propelled by the recovery and growth dynamics that characterised 2022. The airline continues to respond to the strong increase in demand, and announces a significant boost to its operations this summer with a new route to San José, Costa Rica, and another connection between New York and Santo Domingo.

Continuing with its expansion plan, these new connections will be on top of an increase in frequencies to Punta Cana, Miami, Salvador de Bahía, Asunción, Córdoba, Panama, Medellin and Caracas. The company thus maintains its strategic role in the Europe-America corridor.

The Dominican Republic, one of the company's historic destinations, will be even more consolidated with both an increase in flights to Punta Cana and the new route to New York. Frequencies to Asunción, Córdoba and Miami are increased to one daily flight. In Brazil, the connections to Salvador de Bahía are increased from two to three.

In Colombia, the route to Medellin goes from four to five frequencies, as do the flights to Panama. In the case of Venezuela, where demand is on the rise, Air Europa will offer, starting this summer, twice as many flights to Caracas: from two to four a week.

Elsewhere, the summer routes will also increase in number. In Greece, the airline will offer four flights a week to Athens and three to Santorini this year. It will also have two further flights to Alguero and Tunisia.

Air Europa will continue to rely on a unified fleet built around the Boeing 787 Dreamliner models for long haul and Boeing 737 for medium haul. This guarantees a high capacity, lower fuel consumption, and thus lower emissions and an increase in efficiency and sustainability.

About Air Europa

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. The company's fleet, made up of 47 aircraft, is one of the most modern and sustainable in the sector and consists of Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 737 models to maximise efficiency and comfort for its passengers. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. Air Europa also offers its passengers a high level of excellence and is routinely among Europe's most punctual airlines.

Air Europa will fly to Havana with Cepsa's second-generation biofuels

  • For one year, the first monthly flight of Air Europa's Madrid-Havana flight will be powered with sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) produced in Cepsa's energy park in Huelva from organic waste and used cooking oil.
  • This is the first time that two companies in Spain set up a regular supply of SAF for a specific air route.
  • This initiative will prevent the emission of nearly 50 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere, which is equivalent to planting 575 trees

Cepsa and Air Europa signed a deal that will have the energy company supply 14.4 tonnes of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) to the airline for one year to cover the first monthly flight from Madrid to Havana. This is the first time that two companies in Spain have set up a regular supply of this sustainable fuel for a specific air route.

During this partnership between Cepsa and Air Europa, 50 tonnes of CO2 emissions will be avoided, equivalent to planting 575 trees.

The flights, during which the aircraft will have 2% of SAF in its tanks, will serve as a test to advance the targets set by the European Union in its "ReFuelEU Aviation" legislative initiative, developed to promote sustainability in the air sector. There is currently no obligation to add SAF on flights, but this new regulation will require European airlines to increasingly incorporate sustainable fuel in coming years: 2% by 2025, 6% by 2030 and 70% by 2050.

Jesús Nuño de la Rosa, CEO of Air Europa, notes that "this agreement complies with the commitments made in sustainability, one of the core tenets of the airline's 2023-2025 Strategic Plan. Moreover, by using this fuel on the route to Havana, the company is showcasing its strategic role in air connectivity with America".

Tobi Pardo, Director of Aviation at Cepsa, expressed the company's satisfaction at closing an agreement of these characteristics: "We firmly believe that these types of initiatives are essential to shifting towards more environmentally friendly aviation. We are proud to collaborate with Air Europa in its commitment to decarbonising air transport, and to help Spain become a leader in sustainable tourism. We will continue to invest in innovative technologies that allow us to offer more efficient solutions to help them in their energy transition and to cleaner and safer future for all".

Cepsa produces this second generation (2G) biofuel in its La Rábida Energy Park in Palos de la Frontera (Huelva) from organic waste and used cooking oil. These second-generation biofuels, in addition to being able to reduce aircraft emissions by up to 90% compared to conventional kerosene, promote the circular economy, since they are produced from waste that would otherwise end up in landfills.

As part of its Positive Motion strategy, Cepsa, in an effort to aid in the decarbonisation of aviation, aspires to lead SAF production in Spain and Portugal, with an annual production capacity of 800,000 tonnes by 2030, enough sustainable fuel to fly around the world 2000 times.

Against this backdrop, the company recently announced that it has started marketing SAF at the airports of Madrid, Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca and Seville, which handle over 133 million passengers a year. Cepsa is thus the first company to offer 2G aviation biofuel permanently at four of Spain's main airports.

To guarantee the supply of SAF to its customers, Cepsa is going to develop the largest second-generation biofuels plant in southern Europe, together with Bio-Oils, through an investment of up to 1 billion euros. This facility, which will go online in 2026 in Palos de la Frontera (Huelva), will have a flexible production capacity of 500,000 tonnes of SAF and renewable diesel.

In accordance with this agreement, Air Europa is taking another step in achieving its decarbonisation targets through sustainable innovation, leading the regular use of SAF in its B787 Dreamliner fleet, one of the most efficient of the market and able to reduce both emissions and fuel consumption by 20%.


Cepsa is an international leader that is committed to sustainable mobility and energy, with solid technical experience after 90+ years of activity. The company also has a world-class chemical business whose activity is increasingly sustainable.

In 2022, Cepsa presented its new strategic plan for 2030, Positive Motion, which lays out its ambition to be a leader in sustainable mobility, biofuels and green hydrogen in Spain and Portugal, and to become a benchmark in the energy transition. The company places customers at the heart of its activity and will work with them to help them achieve their decarbonisation targets.

ESG criteria inspire all of Cepsa's actions to move it closer to its positive net objective. Over the course of this decade, it will reduce its scope-1 and -2 CO2 emissions by 55%, and its carbon intensity index by 15-20%, in order to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.


Air Europa

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. The company's fleet, made up of 50 aircraft, is one of the most modern and sustainable in the sector and consists of Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 737 models to maximise efficiency and comfort for its passengers. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. Air Europa also offers its passengers a high level of excellence and is routinely among Europe's most punctual airlines. 


Cepsa - Communications Department:
Tel.: (34) 91 337 60 00

Air Europa and the ONCE Foundation join forces to promote the employment of people with disabilities

  • By signing an Inserta Agreement

The CEO of the ONCE Foundation, José Luis Martínez Donoso, and the Director of People, Culture and Talent at Air Europa, Antonio de la Fuente, signed an Inserta Agreement today to have the airline hire people with disabilities for the next three years.

José Luis Martínez Donoso stated that this agreement with Air Europa, a top airline in our country, "offers an employment opportunity for people with disabilities in a leading sector in our country, such as tourism, and it also gives them the chance to showcase their talent to society, since many of the positions they will occupy, due to the company's activity, will no doubt be public-facing".

For his part, Antonio de la Fuente noted that "the agreement reached today is a major step forward in our defence and support of the most vulnerable groups. We are pleased to collaborate with the ONCE Foundation in promoting projects aimed at integrating people with disabilities into society and the workforce, and contributing to the goal that we all pursue of providing equal opportunity".

Air Europa will rely on Inserta Empleo, the training and employment entity of the ONCE Foundation, to cover new vacancies in the company, pre-select the candidates that are best suited to the required profile, and provide personalised training that lets them perform the assigned tasks.

As part of this agreement, Air Europa has joined the Inserta Responsable Forum, a networking and social innovation platform that shares practices, tools and experiences that promote the effective development of work placement policies for talented people with disabilities.

The agreement is part of the operational programmes for Social and Economic Inclusion (Poises) and Youth Employment (POEJ), which the ONCE Foundation is developing through Inserta, with co-financing from the European Social Fund and the Youth Employment Initiative, to improve the training and employment of people with disabilities.


About Air Europa

In the air since 1986, Air Europa is a Spanish member of the SkyTeam alliance. The company's fleet, made up of 50 aircraft, is one of the most modern and sustainable in the sector and consists of Boeing 787 Dreamliner and 737 models to maximise efficiency and comfort for its passengers. Air Europa flies to more than 55 destinations worldwide and has a strategic position at its hub in the Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport, connecting Europe and America. The company is renowned for its firm commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and it has pledged to innovate by incorporating the most advanced technologies to digitise and optimise its processes. Air Europa also offers its passengers a high level of excellence and is routinely among Europe's most punctual airlines.


ONCE Foundation and Inserta Empleo

The ONCE Foundation is a support organisation of ONCE that was created in 1988 to improve the living conditions of other groups with disabilities through work placement and training programmes, as well as to disseminate the concept of universal accessibility by creating globally accessible environments, products and services.

Inserta Empleo is the human resources wing of the ONCE Foundation that specialises in caring for people with disabilities and focuses its activity on improving their training and integrating them into the labour market. It has over 25 years of experience and a team of experts in job counselling and placement spread across 47 branches in Spain. It helps people with disabilities find jobs, trains them if needed and offers companies the best candidates for the positions they need to fill. And it does it all at no cost.

Twitter handle: @portalento_

More information on the labour market for people with disabilities in Spain at:

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