Time to Fly

No matter how you feel, there's an offer for you

Time to fly

In the blink of an eye, that's how fast our incredible prices are flying with our Time To Fly deals. Any plans for what to visit? Get comfortable and plan your trip, we'll take care of getting you to the destination.


General terms and conditions

  • Round trip fares, taxes included.
  • To buy until April 28, 2024.
  • To fly until June 20, 2024.
  • Includes hand luggage with two pieces: carry-on bag of 10 kilos and 55 cm (height) x 35 cm (width) x 25 cm (length), and a handbag of 20 cm (height) x 35 cm (width) x 30 cm (length).
  • Only applicable to flights operated by Air Europa.