
Air Europa Suma Insurance Partners

Find out how to get and redeem your Miles with our insurance partners

Air Europa

Get: Earn up to 9 SUMA Miles per €.
Redeem: Use Miles from 1,500 SUMA Miles.

Aerolíneas Argentinas

Get: Depending on the distance of the flight and the booking class.
Redeem: Use your Miles from 6,000 SUMA Miles.


Get: Depending on the distance of the flight and the booking class.
Redeem: Use your Miles from 6,000 SUMA Miles.

Air France

Get: Depending on the distance of the flight and the booking class.
Redeem: Use your Miles from 6,000 SUMA Miles.

China Airlines

Get: Depending on the distance of the flight and the booking class.
Redeem: Use your Miles from 6,000 SUMA Miles.

China Eastern

Get: Depending on the distance of the flight and the booking class.
Redeem: Use your Miles from 6,000 SUMA Miles.


Get: Depending on the distance of the flight and the booking class.
Redeem: Use your Miles from 6,000 SUMA Miles.

Garuda Indonesia

Get: Depending on the distance of the flight and the booking class.
Redeem: Use your Miles from 6,000 SUMA Miles.

Kenya Airways

Get: Depending on the distance of the flight and the booking class.
Redeem: Use your Miles from 6,000 SUMA Miles.


Get: Depending on the distance of the flight and the booking class.
Redeem: Use your Miles from 6,000 SUMA Miles.

Korean Air

Get: Depending on the distance of the flight and the booking class.
Redeem: Use your Miles from 6,000 SUMA Miles.

Middle East Airlines

Get: Depending on the distance of the flight and the booking class.
Redeem: Use your Miles from 6,000 SUMA Miles.


Get: Depending on the distance of the flight and the booking class.
Redeem: Use your Miles from 6,000 SUMA Miles.

Scandinavian Airlines

Get: Depending on the distance of the flight and the booking class.
Redeem: Use your Miles from 6,000 Suma Miles.


Get: Depending on the distance of the flight and the booking class.
Redeem: Use your Miles from 6,000 SUMA Miles.

Vietnam Airlines

Get: Depending on the distance of the flight and the booking class.
Redeem: Use your Miles from 6,000 SUMA Miles.

Virgin Atlantic

Get: Depending on the distance of the flight and the booking class.
Redeem: Use your Miles from 6,000 SUMA Miles.

Xiamen Air

Get: Depending on the distance of the flight and the booking class.
Redeem: Use your Miles from 6,000 SUMA Miles.

China Southern

Get: Depending on the distance of the flight and the booking class.
Redeem: Use your Miles from 6,000 SUMA Miles.

Etihad Airlines

Get: Depending on the distance of the flight and the booking class.
Redeem: Use your Miles from 7,000 SUMA Miles.

ITA Airways

Get: Depending on the distance of the flight and the booking class.
Redeem: Use your Miles from 6,000 SUMA Miles.


Get: Depending on flight distance and booking class.
Redeem: Use your Miles starting at 11,000 SUMA Miles.

Meliá Hotels International

Get: For every 3 Melia Rewards Points you receive 1 Suma Mile.

Redeem: Earn 4 MeliáRewards points for every 5 transferred Suma Miles.

Minor Hotels

Get: Earn up to 450 Suma Miles for every night you stay.
Redeem: Start redeeming from 26.000 Suma Miles.

Air Europa Holidays

Conseguir: Gana 2 Millas por cada €.


Get:  Earn up to 1,500 Suma Miles.


Get: Earn up to 1,250 SUMA Miles.
Redeem: Use your SUMA Miles on flexible offers.


Get: Earn 10 Suma Miles per €


Get: Earn up to 35,000 Suma Miles.


Get: 1 liter of fuel = 3 SUMA Miles

Redeem: Start using from 4.400 Suma Miles


Redeem: Live experiences for only 2,500 Suma Miles.

Halcón Viajes / Viajes Ecuador

Redeem: Start using from 4,400 Suma Miles


Get: 10 Suma Miles for € by Vivlium

Get: Earn 10 Miles for every


Earn up to 12 Suma Miles per €

VISA Air Europa SUMA¹

Get: Get up to 10 SUMA Miles for € in deferred payment mode.
¹Cards issued by Bankinter Consumer Finance, E.F.C., S.A.
Product distributed by Air Europa Líneas Aéreas S.A.U.

Compra/Regalo Millas

Get: Buy or give away SUMA Miles from 22€.

American Express

Get: For each MR point you receive 1 Mile SUMA.


Get: Earn up to 12,000 Suma Miles by taking out your service.


Earn: Get up to 580 SUMA Miles when you book your service.