Bankinter Consumer Finance, E.R.C., S.A.
A Credit Institution registered in the Bank of Spain under No. 8832, with registered address at Avda. de Bruselas 12, 28108 Alcobendas, Madrid, and registered in the Madrid Commercial Register in Volume 22,729, Sheet 181, Page Nº M-259543 and with Tax ID no. A82650672. European Standardised Information and quarterly information on fees and rates available in the customer information section of
9,000 Suma Miles once you have made your third purchase with the card, regardless of the subscribed payment method.
Air Europa SILVER card: Any Suma Visa cardholder who makes three purchases will obtain an Air Europa Suma Silver card, valid for 1 year. Your SILVER card will be renewed annually if you earn 3,000 Suma Miles through purchases made with your VISA card during the year.
CREDIT LIMIT: up to €5,000.00. The credit limit will be the limit assigned by the Bank
in each case, pursuant to the credit and solvency analysis performed in relation to the
LIMIT ON USE IN TRANSACTIONS: the value of transactions initiated using the
Card may not exceed the credit limit assigned by the Bank, pursuant to the credit and
solvency analysis performed in relation to the Cardholder. However, unless your Card's
credit limit is lower, a daily limit of €600.00 will apply to cash withdrawals at ATMs.
PAYMENT METHODS: The Card has the following payment methods:
(i) General payment methods:
a) End-of-Month payment: if the Cardholder chooses this method of payment, any
purchases and withdrawals made using the Card, up to the end date for the billing
cycle, must be paid, without interest, on the indicated payment date.
b) Deferred Payment ("Revolving"): under this payment method, the Cardholder may
pay off any drawdowns made using the Card in instalments, being entitled to choose
between paying: (i) a fixed amount per month, or (ii) a percentage of the Resulting
Balance in the settlement period, up to a maximum of 99.99%. The Resulting Balance is
the sum of the different charges and credits derived from the Card's operations during
the settlement period, including: a) the Principal drawn; b) the interest accrued during
the billing period; and c) the payment protection insurance ("PPI") fee, when such
insurance has been taken out. The minimum monthly payment will be the amount
resulting from applying a percentage of 3.00% on the Resulting Balance during the
billing period, with the minimum amount of €30.00.
In any case, the selected and/or resulting monthly payment must at least include: a)
0.35% of the Principal Drawn, b) the total interest accrued during the settlement
period and, if applicable, c) any fee for exceeding the limit that may be accrued if the
Cardholder exceeds the Card's credit limit and, where applicable, d) the payment
protection insurance ("PPI") fee; so the amount may increase.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Cardholder shall always retain the right,
subject to the different options provided for the card, to change the general
payment method, as well as the percentage or the fixed monthly amount to be
repaid, respecting, where applicable, the minimum monthly payment allowed
for the Deferred Payment ("Revolving") method; they can do so by calling 900 811
311, via the website or using any other
channel made available to customers, at least five (5) calendar days before the end of the current month.
To make an initial choice as regards the method of payment, as well as subsequent
decisions to change the method of payment, the Cardholder is hereby informed that
the Deferred Payment ("Revolving") option and conditions may result in the repayment
of the amount drawn down taking a longer period of time, given the reduction in the
proportion of the payment allocated to paying off this amount, potentially leading to
an increase in the overall amount of the debt.
(ii) Special payment methods: additionally, provided that the Credit Card is enabled
accordingly, you can defer specific transactions subject to one of the following special
repayment methods
a) Payment by Instalments (Financing of transactions): under this option, the
Cardholder chooses to defer the repayment of a specific transaction (or the sum of
several transactions) in the form of constant instalments, deciding: (i) the amount of
the instalment to be paid off each month or (ii) the number of months they want to
defer the transaction; the chosen and/or resulting instalment can be no less than
€30.05. The minimum amount to be deferred will be €90.00 (or the minimum amount
determined at any given time) and the deferral period must range from 3 to 36 months
(or the options available at any given time), in addition to an initial grace period from
the date of deferral and until the end of the month in which it is made.
As part of this method of payment, the amount of the initial instalment will differ from
the other monthly instalments, as it will consist exclusively of the interest accrued
during said initial period. Likewise, the final instalment may be for a different amount
to adjust the transaction. Payment of fees cannot be financed using this method"
b) Deferred payment in stores: this method of payment will only be enabled under the
general "End-of-Month payment" method and will allow the Cardholder to defer, at
stores offering the possibility of deferring payment for purchases made using the
store's own card machine, a purchase worth a minimum of €60.00 (or the minimum
amount determined at any given time), over a period of 3, 6, 9 or 12 months (or the
options available at any given time), in the form of constant monthly instalments,
maintaining the general End-of-Month payment method for the other transactions.
(i) In the general End-of-Month payment method: interest-free (APR 0.00%). The
APR has been calculated for a purchase made at stores.
2 (ii) In the General Deferred Payment ("Revolving") option: NIR 20.55% (APR 22.60%). The APR has been calculated for a purchase transaction at stores.
Example assuming that the Contract remains in force for its entire duration and
that the parties fulfil their obligations under the agreed terms and conditions.
For a drawdown of €1,500.00, made on the first day of the billing period under
the Deferred Payment ("Revolving") method, repayment period of 4 years, to be
repaid in 48 equal monthly instalments calculated based on the constant
instalment repayment system. With the application of the fixed annual nominal
interest rate: 20.55% (APR 22.60%). In this case, the total amount payable would
come to €2,212.04 (€1,500.00 of principal and €712.04 of interest), in 47 monthly
instalments of €46.09 (the first instalment for €20.40 of principal and €25.69 of
interest) and a final instalment of €45.81 (€45.04 of principal and €0.77 of
interest). Total cost of credit €712.04.
(iii) In the general Deferred Payment ("Revolving") method for cash withdrawal on
credit at ATMs: NIR 13.58% (APR 16.91%). For example, assuming that the
contract remains in force for its entire duration and the Parties meet their
obligations under the agreed terms and conditions: For a drawdown of €1,442.31,
first day of the billing period, to be repaid in 48 months under the constant
instalment system, at a fixed annual nominal interest rate of 13.58%, with a fee
for Cash Withdrawals on Credit at cashpoints of 4.00% on the amount
withdrawn, min. €3.00 (APR 16.91%), added to the principal drawn. In this
scenario, the total amount to be repaid would amount to €1,952.42 (€1,500.00 of
principal, including €57.69 in fees and €452.42 of interest), in 47 monthly
instalments of €40.67 (the first of these 47 instalments consisting of €23.69 of
principal and €16.98 of interest) and a final instalment of €40.93 (€40.47 of
principal and €0.46 of interest). Total cost of credit €510.11.
(iv) In the special Payment by Instalments method (Financing of transactions): NIR
20.55% (APR 22.60%). The APR shown may vary, according to the day of the
month the product was arranged. Representative examples, assuming that the
contract remains in force for its entire duration and the Parties meet their
obligations under the agreed terms and conditions. For a drawdown of €1,500,
deferred on the first day of the billing period, to be repaid within 12 months
under the constant instalment system, at a fixed annual nominal interest rate of
20.55% (APR 22.60%). Based on this assumption, the total amount payable would
be €1,684.18 (€1,500.00 of principal and €184.18 of interest), through a first
instalment of €25.69, with a first instalment solely of interest, and 10 monthly
instalments of €150.77 (the first of these 10 instalments being composed of
€125.08 principal and €25.69 interest) and a final instalment of €150.79 (€148.25
principal and €2.54). Total cost of credit €184.18.
(v) In the Special in-store deferred payment method: NIR 20.55% (APR 22.60%). The APR shown may vary, according to the day of the month the product was
arranged. Representative example under the hypothesis that the Contract
remains in force throughout its term and the Parties fulfil their obligations
under the agreed conditions and deadlines. For a drawdown of €1,500, made on
the first day of the billing period, to be repaid within 12 months under the
constant instalment system, at a fixed annual nominal interest rate of
20.55% (APR 22.60%). In this case, the total amount payable would be €1,672.17
(€1,500 of principal and €172.17 of interest), through 11 monthly instalments of
€139.35 (the first 11 of these instalments comprising €113.66 of principal and
€25.69 of interest) and a final instalment of €139.32 (€136.97 of principal and
€2.35 of interest). Total cost of credit €172.17.
For further information about the calculation of interest, the structure of the different
payment methods and the services associated with the Card, consult the General
Terms and Conditions of the Contract or the European Standardised Information Sheet
(ESIS) and other pre-contractual information (version available
in Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician and Valencian).
ADDITIONAL BENEFITS: you will earn Miles in the Air Europa Suma loyalty
programme for your purchases, a) in the deferred payment ("Revolving")
method for purchases: 10 Miles for each euro spent on direct purchases of Air
Europa tickets and 2 Miles for every euro spent on other purchases, and b) in the
month-end payment method: 2 Miles for each euro spent on direct purchases of Air
Europa tickets and 0.5 Miles for every euro spent on other purchases. In cases where
to benefit from these advantages Deferred Payment ("Revolving") method is required,
the same will be understood to exist when the monthly payment does not exceed
40.00% of the balance drawn.
These conditions will only apply to purchases made at stores and cannot be extended
to other transactions, such as cash withdrawals, top-ups or the acquisition of prepaid
cards, sending money, payment of fees or taxes, purchase and sale of cryptoassets,
cash transfers to current accounts or any other transaction that does not entail the
purchase of goods or services.
WELCOME OFFER: 3,000 miles once the third purchase is made using your card,
regardless of the method of payment.
To check in online, you must enter:
Air Europa has an online flight change system for you to use.
Check the status of your flight by inserting the origin/destination or the flight number.